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  Delivering seminars in Ireland

Delivering seminars in Ireland

25 August, 2010 by Debbie Brace

I ended up delivering two seminars in Ireland, one in Dublin and one in Wexford. I’d never been to Wexford before – it’s a lovely, colourful little town that I’d really like to visit again. Alice Melland from Teagasc generously arranged the seminars on my behalf and they both triggered some very interesting discussion regarding prioritisation processes, policy mechanisms and project development in highly regulated contexts. Being part of the EU, many of the actions that are required to protect key assets are mandated under EU regulations; this raises some questions as to the best ways to proceed in order to secure involvement in projects when regulation alone isn’t sufficient. I look forward to investigating opportunities for INFFER in Ireland further with seminar attendees through the email discussions that have been initiated.
